Why Opening Quotes?

Some novelists choose to open their books with a quote from another writer. This is called an epigraph. These quotes taken out of their original context are given a new life, necessarily detached from the former one. Since writers are the utmost specialists in their fields, and since the beginning of a work has such relevance to the whole, I risk saying that these selected quotes will necessarily be the crème de la crème of World’s Literature.

This website was born as an attempt to document all these priceless and scattered epigraphs in only one place. Welcome!

This is a creative endeavour by Fred Rocha, and the development process is being documented on Fred's website, in case you're curious.

Shoot Fred an email (it's fred {[at]} fredrocha.net) if you have a cool epigraph that you'd like to see here, or if you just want to share your thoughts.

This creative endeavour was built from scratch from an idea. The epigraphs database is expanding on a regular basis. If you think this is a worthy project and are feeling generous, you can send a small tip Fred's way. It will help keep the momentum and future creative projects flowing.